Demystifying Insurance Series: The Most Overlooked Insurance Coverage – Disability Income

As we work towards our financial goals, one of the most important financial assets is our ability to earn an income.
30 June 2021
The Most Overlooked Insurance Coverage – Disability Income

About this webinar – As we work towards our financial goals, one of the most important financial assets is our ability to earn an income. Find out more about Disability Insurance Income.

Update: This webinar has ended. Sign up using the form below to receive the link to the recording.

As we work towards our financial goals, one of the most important financial assets is our ability to earn an income. However, we can never anticipate when an illness or an accident could strike and put a stop to our income, severely disrupting our financial and life plans.

How can we avoid being caught off-guard and be assured that any income loss can be replaced for our lives to go on, in the event of an unforeseen circumstance?

Join Shawn, our Advisory Lead, in our fourth and final webinar of our “Demystifying Insurance” series as he cover some of these topics:

  • What is Disability Income Insurance?
  • How does Disability Income Insurance differ from Total Permanent Disability (TPD) and Long-term Care coverage (E.g., Eldershield/ CareShield Life)?
  • How can Disability Income Insurance replace income loss in the event of an illness/accident?

Webinar Details

Wednesday, 30 June 2021, 7 pm SGT

Webinar link will be sent to your email upon registration
(Note: This webinar will not be streamed live on our social media)

About the speaker

Shawn Lee, Team Lead of Client Advisory at MoneyOwl

Shawn Lee, CFP®
Lead, Client Advisory

Shawn Lee has years of experience in the areas of Financial Advisory and Financial Education. He has helped hundreds of clients plan effectively towards their financial goals and has promoted financial literacy to thousands of people. As the Lead of MoneyOwl’s Client Advisory Department, Shawn currently leads the Comprehensive Financial Planning team at MoneyOwl and helps clients make wise money decisions so that they can lead more fulfilling lives.

Previously, Shawn was managing the Brand Management department of Providend, developing, and executing Branding and Marketing strategies for Singapore’s First Fee-only Wealth Advisory Firm. Prior to Providend, Shawn was Hub Manager of Citi-NIE Financial Literacy Hub for Teachers, which oversees a nationwide teacher development education programme aimed at equipping teachers in schools with financial literacy skills.

Shawn is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP®) and a member of the Financial Planning Association of Singapore (FPAS). He has a Bachelor of Science (Honours) Degree in Accounting and Finance from the University of London.

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