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Term life insurance provides a lump sum payout in the event of death, terminal illness, or total and permanent disability, with the option to include critical illness riders. It provides coverage for a limited duration.
Critical Illness insurance pays a lump sum upon diagnosis of a critical illness, and is primarily meant for replacement of income and medical expenses not covered by MediShield Life and/or your Integrated Shield Plan.
Disability Income insurance provides a monthly cash payment to partially replace your income, after a deferment period and only insofar as your disability is maintained.
Long-term care insurance pays out a monthly cash payment upon severe disability. A person is considered severely disabled and in need of long-term care when they can’t independently perform at least three of the six Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)1.
1The ADLs are washing, toileting, feeding, dressing, transferring around and walking or moving around.
Retirement income insurance is a participating insurance policy2 which provides a source of guaranteed and non-guaranteed monthly income while retaining some level of liquidity during retirement.
2 Participating (par) insurance policies are insurance policies that participate or share in the profits of the insurance company’s par fund. Apart from guaranteed benefits, they also provide non-guaranteed benefits.
Whole life insurance is a participating insurance policy2 which provides a lump sum payment in the event of death, terminal illness, or total and permanent disability, with the option to include critical illness riders. This type of insurance provides coverage for the entirety of a person’s life and accumulates cash value over time.
2 Participating (par) insurance policies are insurance policies that participate or share in the profits of the insurance company’s par fund. Apart from guaranteed benefits, they also provide non-guaranteed benefits.
The MoneyOwl Insurance Philosophy prioritises minimising costs (premiums in terms of outlay now, not cash to be returned in future) while maximising benefits (coverage and sum assured). We stress the importance of achieving a reasonable and justifiable balance between these factors, and prioritise Core Life Coverage.
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